The PlantScout vaselife app helps Marginpar to collect essential crop data.


At Marginpar, every flower tells a story. But when your products travel over 5000 kilometers, face unpredictable weather, and
are highly perishable, ensuring their quality becomes a monumental challenge.

“Working with the PlantScout, we are much more efficient.”
The vaselige app enabled Marginpar to move from crop-level reports to detailed analyses at the variety level. This precision made it easier to pinpoint challenges and take swift

“PlantScout provides insight… actually, all the insight we need.”
With detailed data from the vaselife module, Marginpar identified trends, such as stems wilting faster in summer months. This allowed them to collaborate with agronomists and farmers to create tailored
improvement plans that directly addressed these issues.

As a result Marginpar not only maintains the highest standards but also solidifies its position as one of the top 3 growers in the industry.

Enjoy the video.