Collect information about varieties, batches and suppliers to make better decisions.
Centralize & digitize separate registrations in a consistent way to make better decisions about quality.
Record characteristics according to your own cultivation.
Easily collaborate with suppliers.
Keep track of flower and branch counts easily and efficiently.
Locate and track batches.
And many other registrations such as linages and vaselife tests.
Every grower has a unique cultivation method to register characteristics and measurements that are important to them. PlantScout can be fully adapted to this specific cultivation method. Think of things such as sensitivity to diseases, growth characteristics and measurements.
At Green Circle Growers we have been using PlantScout for over 5 years now. In those years we have seen PlantScout develop from being a handy tool into a tool that is now indispensable for data collection and communication. All our variety information gets collected in the platform and shared with the breeders we work with. Each grower in our team can find any variety data and upload variety feedback and pictures from what they see out in the greenhouse.
Marcel Boonekamp. - Director of Growing at Greencircle Growers.
Provide central feedback about (test) varieties and quickly gain insight into whether or not things are in order. It is possible to view the feedback or complaints centrally and to monitor the status thereof by the parties involved
Get a good picture of the average branch or flower numbers by registering counts in the PlantScout app. Knowing for sure what breeds are doing and have done leads to making critical & smarter choices.
Locating batches and keeping their status up to date is very simple. PlantScout is a great alternative if you do not have a heavy ERP system, or if your ERP system is much too complex or time-consuming..
The pricing depends on the number of characteristics that you use and the number of different report types you want. The number of farms/departments in your company is also a factor. Below we give some common examples.
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Contact us if you’re interested in PlantScout
ContactDuring a first session we discuss your registration needs
Based upon the first session we configure a custom environment for you
You can directly try out the system with multiple personss in your orginanisation
We discuss the insights in a weekly call and adjust the system where necessary to optimize the added value