The quality management app for horticulture professionals

Say goodbye to loose excel sheets, paper notes and heavy inflexible systems. PlantScout is the registration-app for horticulture professionals!


Record progress centrally and prepare digital quality reports


Make informed choices based on collected data


Share information with colleagues and partners


Scalability by further automating your quality assurance processes

“We have all data at one place instead of scattered over emails, excels and hardcopies.”

Multiple users, and also clients, can monitor and follow up our quality information per specie, period and per client(group) from one system. All desired info is captured and combined including measurements, traits and and pictures.

Lillian Namuwaya - Quality Manager at AFC Oeganda.

“PlantScout is a no-nonsens app for pest scouting and crop protection registration.”

As Dekker Chrysanten, we use PlantScout to scout our crops and register crop protection. PlantScout has specially developed a module for Dekker Chrysanten for this purpose. The excellent collaboration between PlantScout and Dekker Chrysanten has resulted in a no-nonsense application in which we can easily record our data and use this data for far-reaching analyses.

Niels Ruhe - Information manager at Dekker Chrysanten.

“PlantScout is simple!”

KP Holland has been working with PlantScout for internal and information exchange with its customers since 2018. The simplicity with which data can be requested and entered is why we work with Plantscout.

Bert van Spijk - Accountmanager young plants bij KP Holland.

“PlantScout is a tool that is indispensable for data collection and communication”

At Green Circle Growers we have been using PlantScout for over 5 years now. In those years we have seen PlantScout develop from being a handy tool into a tool that is now indispensable for data collection and communication. All our variety information gets collected in the platform and shared with the breeders we work with. Each grower in our team can find any variety data and upload variety feedback and pictures from what they see out in the greenhouse.

Marcel Boonekamp - Director of Growing at Greencircle Growers.

“PlantScout streamlines product development across 17 nurseries.”

As Marginpar we use PlantScout to streamline the development of new summervarieties. We make observations about the development of varieties across 17 nurseries in Africa. All information is aggregated in a user friendly way.

Bart Merkus - Product development manager at Marginpar.

“We have been working since 2019 to choose the best varieties.”

We work together with 50 users to do regular greenhouse and vaselife tests to find the best varieties for our commerciel assortment.

Bernhard Schenke - Director at Dalat Hasfarm.

“Plantscout helps us to improve our communication.”

Plantscout helps us to improve our communication with our suppliers from Taiwan and The Netherlands. It allows us to build up a variety database with easy access to plant specific information regarding past performance.

Rob Vollebregt - Orchid Manager at Plainview Growers.

“Great cooperation between us and PlantScout.”

Plantscout has developed a test module especially for Floricultura. Plantscout and their specific in-depth knowledge are of added value to us. The extremely pleasant cooperation between the two companies has led to creative applications, now and in the near future. We are already looking forward to it.

Stefan Kuiper - Product Manager at Floricultura.

Which tasks can you do with Plantscout?

Record observations digitally

PlantScout enables you to enter various registrations via an app on your mobile phone or ipad on site and then process them centrally if necessary.

Each report consists of a digital form with possible options for photos, ratings and comments. PlantScout offers standard forms, but you can also compile your own forms with characteristics according to your wishes. Reports can always be looked up via the central website and the app. Aggregated reports can also be compiled.

It is very easy to share reports with colleagues and external parties. This way, for example, you can easily send your quality reports to your suppliers or customers. Sharing is possible via modern media such as WhatsApp, Email and SMS. You can also create PDF documents and make them available.

With PlantScout you always have full knowledge about your variety available on your mobile or via the website. The data can also be made accessible to Excel or professional tools such as PowerBI. In this way you can gain better insights into your varieties and suppliers.

By working with PlantScout you can standardize various separate form flows. Because you standardize, it is also possible to further automate certain repetitive activities. You can think of task lists with notifications, periodic reports that are automatically forwarded, etc.

Special features for horticulture professionals

Plantscout can be personalized in all kinds of parts and expanded with these extra options and knowledge.
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Lineage registration

Growers and breeders can keep track of the pedigree crossings and clones in PlantScout. PlantScout allows the grower to search through family lines and determine the most successful varieties.

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Flowertrial module

Breeders can use the trial module to efficiently record and record varieties' findings during flowertrials for growers or by growers.

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Export to reporting tools

You can make exports to excel in an instant. Live links can also be offered to, for example, Power BI and Qlik.

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Inspection reports

You can have your inspectors make professional inspection reports for incoming batches or batches at the supplier in a uniform, fast manner.

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Integration in ERP

Varieties and orders can be loaded into PlantScout via a link with the ERP system so that all these can easily be selected for reporting on a report..

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Feedback on testvarieties

Breeders can distribute test varieties to growers and receive findings about the test varieties via PlantScout and manage and monitor this via a workflow.

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Vase life testen

PlantScout has a specialized facility for doing flower trials / vase life tests. All data can be analyzed in reporting tools.

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Registration pesticide dosages

Via the dosing module you can keep track of recommended dosages for batches and make notifications when dosages have been administered and also retrieve this everywhere

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Record specific characteristics

You can create and record those characteristics / measurements that are important for your specific cultivation method.

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Flower/branch counts

PlantScout offers a simple possibility to keep counts of your varieties. This makes it possible to get a good picture of the average branch or flower numbers.

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Complaints workflow

As a supplier you can facilitate a professional complaint handling workflow for your customers via PlantScout. The cooperation with and feedback to the customer are central.

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Batch localization and tracking

Growers without a complex logistics system can easily keep track of the location and status of batches in the farm with PlantScout.

Get clear what Plantscout can mean for your company

Digital ± 30 minutesIn person

In a short digital session we get the following things clear:

  • Clarified your question and challenges
  • What the added value & fit of Plantscout can be within your organization
  • You can start fast and simple